Friday 27 July 2012

Romney has the Olympic Gold for Upper Class Twit of the Year sewn up for sure, It's a #Romneyshambles

Mitt Romney's visit to the UK has become a complete shambles it always amusing to see light weight American politicians outside their own country they always look terrible and make you realise that even a mediocrity like Cameron looks good compared to Mitt Romney. This is a politician who "retroactively resigned" from Bain Capital to try and avoid questions about his awarding of Olympic contracts to his own companies and who won't release his tax returns the contents of which are so bad that John McCain chose Sarah Palin ahead of Mitt Romney to be his running mate. The Guardian has a timeline of MittRomney's day of shame. i will leave you with this comment from a member of fark which sums Romney up very well.

"Walker: Now you see what we have to deal with Brits. The guy baptizes dead people against their family's wishes, bullies people with long hair, ties dogs to roofs on long road trips, belittles people poorer than him (nice raincoats you have there, trash bags) and lies constantly."

Thursday 26 July 2012

Daily Mail ramps up the Xenophobia

I wonder what it must be like to be a daily mail reader. Where everything in the world is something to be scared off especially if it is foreign or different. Here is the latest Xenophobic discussion from the Daily Mail.

We need a new chancellor this one's broken

It has always been obvious that from the first moment he was in the job that George Osborne was not capable of being able to perform as chancellor. He was to weighed down by discredited principles that have always failed from Japans eternal recession to Britain in the 70's and 80's austerity does nothing except damage the economy and make the rich richer. As his family are one of the largest tax avoiders in this country it is clear that he will never plug the loopholes that allow billions to be siphoned out of the British economy.

Friday 20 July 2012

More porn from the daily mail at least it's not children this time

Thedaily mail is publishing more porn and pretending its news. For a newspaper that supposedly opposes objectification of women they do objectify women a lot. Also check out the comments most are extremely sleazy I always get the impression that daily mail readers are just dirty old men who hide in bushes with binoculars to get a peek  of their next door neighbour taking a shower.
Typical daily mail reader?

Government announce extremely dangerous plan for sex offenders

The Government plans to roll out mandatory "lie detector" tests for sex offenders. The idea is that sex offenders are more likely to admit if they have broken conditions of their release such as contacting their victims. Also offenders on the trial reported that it helped them mange their behaviour and this is where the problem begins "lie detectors" are easily beaten -there results are inadmissible as evidence for precisely this reason- by just about anyone with a tiny smidgen of brain, this will allow sex offenders to easily lie and be believed, lies such as lie detectors help them to control their behaviour. This idea will end in tears and a national disgrace in a few years with some sex offenders being given a free reign to offend again.

Thursday 19 July 2012

The main difference between liberals and conservatives

LIberals believe that feeding hungry children is important enough that we accept that a few people will game the system and get school meals that their children don't qualify for. Conservatives are willing to accept that a lot of children go hungry in order to make sure no one gets something they don't deserve.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Why are conservatives conservative and liberals liberal?

Conservatives--particularly tough-on-crime, pro-military conservatives--have a more pronounced startle reflex, measured by eye-blink length after hearing a sudden loud noise. Furthermore, when showed threatening images--maggots in an open wound, a large spider on someone's face--conservatives displayed a greater galvanic skin response, caused by subliminal increases in sweat gland activity. These traits are linked to high activity in the amygdala, center of emotional processing and seat of the fear response. Liberals displayed these reactions as well--the fight-or-flight response is universal--but in conservatives, it was stronger, faster, and more pervasive. This also explains why liberals who are placed under stress, time pressure, or emotional duress are more likely to endorse conservative viewpoints they would not have otherwise espoused.

And then there are the liberals and the anterior cingulate cortex, or ACC. Its role in the brain is somewhat more complicated, but there is still general scientific consensus that it is involved in error detection and conflict monitoring, and ultimately cognitive control. Consider a 2007 work published in Nature Neuroscience, one of the earliest political neuroscience studies. The researchers hypothesized that liberals have more active ACCs, since they are more flexible and intellectually innovative, and more tolerant of uncertainty. Then they proved as much by having liberals and conservatives perform a classic test for conflict monitoring, of the sort that the ACC is thought to govern.

It's called a "Go-No-Go" task: Study subjects are put in a situation where they are required to quickly tap a keyboard when they see "M" on screen--and become habituated to doing so. But one fifth of the time, the screen instead flashes a "W," and respondents have to quickly change their behavior and not tap the keyboard. Liberals performed better at the task--they were less likely to commit a 'D'oh!' and tap the keyboard at the wrong time--and they also showed more anterior cingulate cortex activity when engaging in the corrective response. This study was subsequently replicated by another research team, using a Canadian sample, who also linked more brain firing in the task to egalitarianism, and less firing to right-wing authoritarianism.

It is not difficult to interpret this finding: Liberal's greater anterior cingulate cortex activity indicates their greater cognitive flexibility and willingness to update and change their beliefs and responses vis-a-vis changing cues and situations.

Don't tell me what to do

Tuesday 17 July 2012

If you support our soldiers take a look at and sign this petition

G4S scandal shows the danger of placing principles over morals

Conservative principles say that everything the public sector can do the private sector can do a better job than the police. A moral approach is to say who can deliver the best security and the inevitable answer is the police there is no organisation in the country more competent or experienced at providing security and it is them that should be running this with support from a variety of security companies not just one.
Unfortunately Conservative principles say that it is the private sector that is better at everything so the experts where sidelined for a bunch of expensive clowns with a bad reputation. Having private companies run services is as mad as nationalising the car industry both have been done from principles and both are abject failures.
Nick Buckles of G4S was asked why they are still claiming the fee despite their massive cockup his reply was "in principle it is part of the contract" once again principles trump morals. Principles are a cancer in politics it is time for politicians to do what is right not what matches there principles.

Monday 16 July 2012

Daily mail journalist Threatens to Sue Blogger after being told the truth

Excellent e-mail exchange between James of jdc325.wordpress.com and Sue Reid who writes for softcore Porn publisher  the Daily Mail is trying to spread the lie the MMR jab causes Autism despite the fact that no evidence has ever been provided.  Sue comes across as being slightly unhinged seemingly ignoring what James has written and even going as far as accusing him of being part of "Big Pharma" which is always a sign that someone knows they are wrong and are trying to deflect justified criticism. This especially evident after a later e-mail where she tries to row back from claiming that there is a link between MMR and autism and says that she was merely reporting and not promoting anti MMR.  check out the article for yourself it sheds a light on how bad Journalism in this country  is especially aroundscience and medicine. From the E-mail exchange it is very understandable why she died want this to published and why James did the right thing in publishing it.